Monday, October 17, 2005

Rejecting a reactionary lifestyle

I just finished talking with some of my room mates and I've come to a conclusion. I need to start a writing club at BYU. Yeah, I know weird. It really surprises me that there isn't already such a club in existence. Part of the reason I want to start this club is that I've often admired those who have started bold projects. I don't know if this is exactly bold per say, but it is something I want to do. It is also something that will take effort to do and I think there is value in stretching our abilities. Additionally, if I want this to actually succeed I can't be lazy and simply talk about it. I hate when people talk about starting a great new project only for it to die because they are lazy. Mostly I feel like this club would be a good place for people to meet and share ideas and help. A major concern at this point is how to get the people for it, but that can be worked out. My roommate Steve has a writing teacher who is a member of a few writing clubs, so he'll know the sort of format that these things follow and I can adapt from there based on what I want initially and then on what other people want. John Greenleaf Whittier said, "Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: ‘It might have been!” I don't want this to be what I say of my own plans ten years from now. Some of this has come from the masquerade my apartment had last Friday. I don't know how many boring Fridays or Saturdays I have wished there was a party. It never occurred to me that I might throw one myself. I'm seeing more and more benefits to living more of an active life rather than a reactionary one. Our society is so chock full of stimulus: TV, movies, books, music, etc. that bombard us that sometimes I think we get complacent and don't make much of an effort to give something back to the society that is forming us. After all, society has botched quite a bit as of late and seems to need all the help it can get even from a recovering elitist.


frogkisser said...

You SHOULD have a party. Like this Saturday when I come down to Provo:). If not, we are going to have a Halloween Bash on the 29th....

frogkisser said...

P.S. Make Clark update his blog!:)

Aaron said...

Umm no go for a party this weekend. We had one last weekend. I know there is no rule that says you can't have a party two weeks in a row, but it's a matter of supply and demand. If we throw too many parties (yes there is such a thing) the value associated with these parties will tank. So yeah, see you on Saturday, but no party.

frogkisser said...

That is fine. As long as we can still hang out!:) Who needs a bunch of people I don't know there? Not me!