Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Life takes a sharp right turn

I found out last Tuesday that my father has leukimia, which is a cancer of the bone marrow. I am still having a hard time adjusting to the whole situation but I feel worlds better today. It seems in life that whenever you get comfortable with a situation it changes. This is of course a blessing in that it provides us a myriad of opportunities to learn and grow but the price for personal growth seems the same as muscle growth, pain. It would seem that they caught the disease in an early state and all seems to going well at this point. Once again my father has taught me by his example. He has yet to utter a negative comment about the whole situation as far as any of us can tell. Rather than turn to a weakening self-pity he has continued as the workhorse he has always been. His work is a little different now but he has adapted well to talking to other patients, learning what he can do for his condition through books and the internet, and walking as much as possible. George Henry Lewes said, "The only cure for grief is action." I have found this to be true in many instances and this is no exception. Is the situation still hard? Yes, but in it we have all seen that attitude is the hinge upon which the door of learning opens or closes.


Mantis said...

Eloquence amidst grief is a gift.

Thank you for sharing.