Wednesday, July 06, 2005


A while back I had an epiphany. It occurred to me that no matter how bland or uninteresting a person may appear to be they can be fascinating. I'll explain because I know that doesn't make sense right off. As I've observed people interacting with each other I've found that unless someone is talking to someone they care about or trust there is a tendency for people to be, for lack of a better word, shallow. I don't mean shallow in the materialistic or petty sense but in the sense of how deep the interaction is. Think of it this way, if a teacher asks you what your greatest aspiration is you may respond that you want to be a writer. Now, take that same question and think about if you really thought about what you want most out of life, out of yourself. When people greet each other with "How's it going?" the expected response is good or fine. I've caught myself responding fine by reflex when my day has been awful. So I guess what I am trying to say is that there are times in life where we see in others or in ourselves their "true self" or what they have the potential to be all the time. I've been trying to reach this myself by being honest and open with others and especially myself. To quote the bard "This above all; to thine own self be true."


Mantis said...

We all put up walls, in truth, because when most people ask "How's it going?" they don't REALLY want to know.

I DESPISE that "How are you?" types of questions have replaced the word "hello", and I love to watch people's faces when I only answer and don't return the question/gretting.
But you're right - very few people are actually as they seem. Oh, how much we miss!

fantastic funk said...

that has always been one of my biggest pet peeves. i've taken to not answering at all when asked "how are you" it's become more of a statement than a question. it's interesting, you can tell the people who really care because they are the ones who stop, look you in the eye and ask again. i try not to ask the question unless i really want to know the honest answer.

p.s. that's always been one of my very favorite quotes...shakespeare rocks!