Sunday, May 07, 2006

Something I've Been Meaning to do

My parents had this idea that they wanted all of their kids to play musical instruments. This worked just fine right up until me. Why was I any different? They never encouraged/forced me to learn one. I never wanted to learn one, having been witness to many of my friends afternoons' spoiled by having to practice. Wow, that sentence sucks, but it's late and I'm not changing it. Anyway, this semester I'm taking a guitar class and I've enjoyed it thus far. I'm hoping that learning a musical instrument is good for my patience and self-discipline. A coworker pointed out that "chicks dig it." I was with some friends the other day and one of the guys started playing a guitar, yeah it's true.

My fingertips are sore, but then again so are my arms since I started a weights class as well. I've also started playing some tennis, which is good, just not as good as racquetball. Natural sunlight, who needs it? I guess in short I'm trying out a few new things. One of them is bound to be worth something in the end. I also just finished reading Shadow of the Giant. I quite enjoyed it. There are a lot of good questions and ideas about human nature in the book. I'm thinking I may start reading some more poetry, get acquainted with some of the classics. Trying new things, yeah I'm enjoying it.


Something McSomethingkins said...

Good for you Aaron. Racquetball is awesome.

Ronnie said...

Weight lifting? Guitar playing? Someone is in a hurry to get married.

Aaron said...

Uh, uh...I don't know what you're talking about Ronnie.

Kate said...

Ah, the Ender's Game Series... Books I truly could read over and over again. Love it. Good luck with all your new ventures.

frogkisser said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
frogkisser said...

I took guitar. I hated guitar. I learned nothing in guitar.

Something McSomethingkins said...

So wait, you took a guitar class Froggie? What did you learn in there?

Something McSomethingkins said...

What's with the little handicap person next to the word verification slot?

frogkisser said...

So.... I didn't realize that it published both my comments. My computer froze on the first one, so I put a second one:)
I too was wondering about the little blue guy next to the word verification.

frogkisser said...

There we go. I deleted it:)
And, I guess if you press the little blue guy, it you can hear the letters.