Friday, September 16, 2005

So am I just a masicist or what?

I have been something of a social hermit for most of my life. Sure, I enjoy talking to people and all that, but only so long as it doesn't threaten to stretch or burst my little comfort bubble. There are a few notable exceptions to this such as my social dance class I took a few years ago. My sole object there was to force myself to become more socially capable; the results were mixed. For whatever reason though, before I decided to take the class I formed this idea that, the less I wanted to participate in a social event, that I knew was inherently good, the more I thought I should participate in said event. Maybe this is a strange sort of "whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger." And so here it is, the weekend, and I have been invited to go camping with a few of my friends. The catch is that there are several other people going that I only rather awkwardly know. Given my hypothesis about awkwardness and discomfort being good for me I feel rather compelled to go by my own desire for self-improvement. Is this just crazy or does everyone else do it? Or is it crazy but everyone does it?

Adversity is the first path to truth.
~Lord Byron


frogkisser said...

You can block all those anonymous comments, FYI. I think you might be a little crazy. If you don't want to do something, you shouldn't have to. That is my philosophy anyway:)

Aaron said...

Hmm well that holds water until you get to things like biology homework. I mean, I really don't want to do biology homework, but I do it anyway because I need to. Maybe the question is whether I need to do socially awkward things.

frogkisser said...

That's it!!! You just need to prioritize your needs vs. your wants!:) I need to learn that with my spending. Do I really need a new pair of shoes? Or do I need to pay the electric bill... Way to go on the blocking of anonymous comments btw.

Mantis said...

It's not crazy. And I think we all do it. Well, not all of us, but all of us who are constantly challenging ourselves. There seems to be a huge group of us who are not yet contented with our own lives, and thus are always looking for…MORE. It’s a self-awareness issue. We understand potential. We have an idea of what our lives could be, if only we didn’t allow ourselves to get in the way…if only we didn’t allow fear to get in the way.

It’s all about fear. And maybe you, like me, just can’t allow yourself to live in a place where fear wins all the time…even at the expense of your own comfort.

PS: I hope you decided to go camping.

Aaron said...

Ironically, I decided to go camping only to have a five or six hour delay kill the event. Oh well. I think the fear thing is definitely a factor, and yeah you hit the nail right on the head with the potential/challenging ourselves thing. I do that all the time. An ogre is like an onion...