Friday, September 05, 2008

Every semester has to have a worst class

I really don't like my grammar class. As a token of this, I wrote this haiku and poem during the class to keep me from gnawing my own arm off out of sheer boredom.

grueling tedium
gerunds, participles—sigh
grammar, a slow death

bow-tie speaks of corpses,
okay, so it was corpus but honestly
he's going to end up with more corpses than corpuses.
Starved to death on fun sized bites of the all too obvious,
surely zombies must come of this, and wreck sweet zombie vengeance.
Driven by a relentless march past the edge of interest and well-through intellect
where could they end up but madness.
A madness without method, but rather an aim: his silence.


Something McSomethingkins said...

One word. "Wow."

Anonymous said...

Nice poem. Were you inspired to write a haiku after my shirt? Hee hee just kidding. What other classes did you get in?

Aaron said...

I completely forgot to look for comments here. I've gotten used to checking facebook for any new comments.